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Students4Change is a program seeking to improve the quality and relevance of academic programs aimed for the development of innovation and social entrepreneurship competencies in Latin American Universities, to increase the capacity to resolve the urgent social problems our region is encountering.

NEWS 2019


Call for papers

“Students4Change: Social Entrepreneurship in Academia”


Available Book: "Innovación y Emprendimiento Social en las Instituciones de Educación Superior: Students4 hange"


Available "AGENDA" Bogotá Meeting


Next Meeting: Bogotá, Colombia

Do you want to know more? Watch the video...?


Inicia Proceso de Evaluación de cursos Piloto en Universidades Latinoamericanas

Video done for Channel Capital21 (Mexico), which explains in a general way the project of Students4Change, its main objective, the participants in the project as well as its different stages and the results obtained.

Ivón Cepeda-Mayorga

Project Coordinator

The project Students4Change was co-financed with funds from the European Union within its Erasmus+ Program: Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education.


The main goal of the project was to develop competencies in social entrepreneurship and social innovation as part of the curricular plan within higher education institutions in Latin America. This helped students to identify and propose solutions to the relevant social problems that affect the Latin American region.  

Students4Change was developed by 16  different institutions: 5 European universities, 10 Latin American universities and Ashoka, a non-governmental organization with an international presence. This broad project allowed connections with universities in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, France, Germany, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain. 

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