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In this section you will find the main documents related to Studentds4Change for public access. Here you will find:

  1. A free copy of the book: Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Institutions: Students4Change, which contains the competence model based in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship. This model was developed during the project.

  2. A free copy of the Toolkit which contains the tools selected and developed by the team of Students4Change to reinforce the competences in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship.

  3. The report from the courses that participate in the Pilot Process from each Latin American university. This process took place during the second year of the project (Spanish version). 

  4. The final report of the process of monitoring and evaluating the groups participating in the pilot process. This report was coordinated by the University of Talca.

  5. The final report from Suppor Mechanisms developed by the Technische Universität Dortmund.

  6. A document that includes the posters presented by the students of the 10 Latin American universities during the summit "Encuentro Latinoamericano de Innovación y Emprendimiento Social", in Bogota, Colombia (April 2019).

  7. The final report from the project "Cultivarte", co-developed by UNIMINUTO and Tecnologico de Monterrey (Spanish version). 

  8. A free copy from the digital book: Prêmio ODS. Pacto Global 2019, developed by the United Nations in Brazil. The book rescues the efforts to support the Sustainable Development Goals in 2019, and it includes the protects developed by PUC Río de Janeiro as part of Students4Change (Portuguese version).

  9. A free copy of the e-book: The university as an agent of change in Social Innovation and the case of Students4Change (Portuguese version). This book was developed by PUC Río de Janeiro.

  10. Coming soon! A free copy of the e-book: Social Innovation and Social 
    Entrepreneurship: an experience from the Academia. Students4Change
    . This book recovers the pedagogical tools presented in the toolkit and the experience of teachers and specialists who participated in the events of 2019. 







Book: "Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Institutions: Students4Change"

"Pilot Courses Global Report"

Project Students4Change


"Support Mechanisms in Social Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship"

Posters presented by students in the summit "Encuentro Latinoamericano de Innovación y Emprendimiento Social"

(Complete archive, Spanish version)

Prêmio ODS, Pacto Global 2019

(Portuguese version)

Report of Project Cultivarte, developed by UNIMINUTO and the Tecnológico de Monterrey (Spanish version)

E-book:  The University as an agent of change in Social Innovation and the case of Students4Change 

(Portuguese version)

Reports from each university of the courses of the Pilot Process

(Spanish versions):

Posters per University of the summit:  

Encuentro Latinoamericano de Innovación y Emprendimiento Social

(Spanish versions)

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